Attendance Policies
Students who attend class on a regular basis achieve much better results and usually have higher self-esteem than those who frequently miss class or come late!
If a student has to miss class for any reason, the studio office must be given proper notice in order to inform the teacher of the absence before the class begins.
Students who miss class are permitted to make up the class in the same style in the next higher or lower level. All make-up classes should be set up in advance with the studio office.
If a student has to miss class for four consecutive weeks or more during the months of September to December, their teacher may choose to move the student to a lower level in order to keep them from falling further behind.
Parent Information
In order to allow for safety & social distancing, parents are asked to drop off dancers before class and pick up after. IRBD staff help facilitate the drop-off and pick-up process for all recreational classes. Parents of children ages 6 & under are permitted to come into the building with them before class to help get them ready (but are not required to).
Communication with parents is facilitated through the Remind app! This free app is a messaging service that allows parents to receive important reminders and to communicate with us in the event of an absence/lateness/etc. Call 330-923-8510 for help setting up the app!
Punctuality is not only important for the dancers, but also for the parents! If your child has the last class of the night, please make sure to pick them up on time, as teachers may not leave the studio until all children have left.
Studio RUles
Arrive 5-10 minutes early to your scheduled class to stretch and warm-up before the class begins.
Students entering a class more than ten minutes late will be asked to sit and observe in order to prevent injury.
Use the restroom before class begins (especially toddlers and preschoolers).
Wear the proper dance attire (as outlined by the dress code).
Behave in a respectful manner to the teacher and other students. Students disrupting the teacher by misbehaving will be asked to leave the classroom.
Do not bring gum, food, or drinks (other than water) into the classroom at any time.
Respect the family-friendly, professional environment at the studio by avoiding obscenities, mature topics, and negative remarks about IRBD, its faculty, or any of its members.
Keep the studio clean by making sure to always pick up after yourself.
Throw away any trash (including water bottles) in the proper waste receptacles.
Remain quiet in the hallways and lounge in order to not disturb dance classes taking place in the studios.
Making inappropriate, negative, or slanderous remarks on social media about IRBD, its faculty, or any of its members may result in dismissal from the studio.
The IRBD logo & name are intellectual property of I’HDE Rather Be Dancing and cannot be used on any merchandise, clothing, or other items for sale or for personal use without prior knowledge & consent from owner Elisabeth Cavallaro.
Payment INformation
Tuition is due on the first day of every month in full.
Statements are sent out via email on the 15th day of each month.
Until further notice, we will only be accepting payment via CREDIT CARD (Visa or Mastercard). Parents can make single payments via the customer portal or keep their credit card on file to be charged automatically each month. You can opt in to the automatic recurring payment program online or by filling out a form in the studio office. All cards on file are charged on the due date.
All tuition, costume, fees, & payments of any other kind are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Penalty Fees
Payments received after the fifth of the month will be charged a $25.00 late fee.
If tuition is more than a month late, the student in question will not be allowed to return to classes until all balances are paid.
There is a $35.00 NSF fee on all cancelled checks.
We do not offer tuition credits for illness unless the student’s condition is severe and lasting longer than six consecutive weeks (a doctor’s note must be provided). We do not offer tuition credits for injury, as dancers are expected to observe during the duration of their injury in order to prevent falling behind.
If the studio closes due to severe weather, we do not offer make-up classes or give credits.
If a teacher cancels class for any reason other than severe weather, we will schedule a make-up class or offer a tuition credit.
If the studio closes due to the pandemic or a natural disaster, government mandate, or any other public emergency, tuition credits will not be issued. Classes will be held live-streamed online, and regular tuition will be charged.
Tuition credits will not be offered for holiday-related studio closings. When determining the tuition, all of the days off have been noted & factored into the overall tuition price for the year, which has then been divided into a monthly charge.
Dropping a Class
In the event that you make the decision to drop or change a class, please notify the studio in writing. All charges will continue until written notification is received.
All tuition changes for dropped classes will take in effect beginning the following month. If a student decides to drop their classes after their tuition has been charged for the month, that month’s tuition will not be refunded / credited.
If you drop a class after January 1st, you will forfeit all recital costumes you have purchased. You will not receive the costume OR a refund.
Inclement Weather
The studio will not necessarily close for snow days (regardless if area schools are closed), as many times roads clear & become safe again as the day progresses.
In the event of a closing, we will send out notifications via the Remind app. We will also email/call all students and post the closing to our Facebook & Instagram pages.
Health & Safety
Because many young children are in close proximity to each other at the studio, we ask that parents respect the health of all students by making sure that their children do not come to class when they are sick. This includes but is not limited to head lice, chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye, and a fever above 100 degrees. If your child has one of these afflictions (or any other contagious illness), please refrain from bringing them to dance. Children displaying symptoms of such afflictions may not attend class unless they provide a doctor’s note ensuring their safety.
At this time masks are not required for dancers, instructors, or parents. Please call us at 330-923-8510 for more information regarding COVID-19 policies and procedures.